Backbone.js provides better format and structure to web application by providing models with key value binding and custom events, collections with a rich API of countable functions, look with declarative event handling, and connects it all to existing API over a RESTful JSON interface.
Since its launch in October 2010 with the latest version 1.3.3, Backbone.js has taken the Internet by wave and computer browsers are not the face of the internet anymore. As we step out towards an era of smartphones and handheld devices, the trend of accessing the web is changing vigorously and now the information is being presented through APIs instead.
It ensures that all interactions with the server are carried through using the restful API, thus enhances the compatibility and flexibility of communication among the involved components. Being a light framework, it provides to compose the code in Model-View-Presenter (MVP) design and provides access to the JavaScript library.
As the name suggests, Backbone.js operate the function as the spinal cord of the application and very easy in implementing uniform and consistent set of base classes. It permits data to be accessed through numerous models like creation, validation , deletion and saved to the server simultaneously. And In cases where UI is modified multiple times without subjecting changes on server, Backbone.js serves the purpose flawless. Backbone.js is giving all the server communication over the API which is flexible or compatible.