The powerful methodology to drive an effectual business.
Based on agile methods, Divine develops Enterprise web solutions and softwares where it is clear from the outset that the requirements will evolve during the development phase.
This elegant mobile enabled device opened up many opportunities and solutions that businesses are able to take advantage of.
A mastery of agile best practices is essential for evolving an organization towards development and Continuous Delivery. Divine appreciates that moving from the traditional Waterfall to the modern agile process is considerable
And invariably fraught with cultural and technological challenges. Divine practitioners are highly skilled at smoothing out the inevitable bumps along the road to agile. We have learned that the best way to meet a seamless transition is by embedding our agile experts into an organizations existing teams and guiding them onto the right processes and tools.
We are the experience and expert player of following technology and services
Software as a service (SaaS) is a channel of delivering applications over the Internet.
Today approx every business conversation revolves around SMAC Social, Mobility, Cloud
Mobile Computing technology allows transfer of data, voice and video via a computer
AngularJs is an open source web application framework that is maintained by Google
Backbone.js provides better format and structure to web application by providing
Big Data is working on the basis of Volume, Velocity, Variety, Variability and
Visacent has vast and superior working experience, expertise in UI/UX
Visacent is an award winning and fascinating company in Digital Marketing
Visacent Java Development team has expertise on developing different
Visacent develop Microsoft.NET applications that differentiates your business
Node.js is one of the most fast growing, demanding and advance application
Based on agile methods, Divine develops Enterprise web solutions and softwares
Hadoop is an open-source framework service , as offered by Divine that allows to access
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