Godhan App

Godhan App

Godhan App is Classified portal to sell and Buy animals in your area.A It is specially developed for dealing of animals. This application is totally free to use. This app will easily notify you for buy and sell variant of pet animals like cow, buffalo and bull of your choice.
Accessing is too easy for Features of this App.

Post your Add

Add details
Take a picture with your mobile or upload from gallery, fill relevant specialties fields to promote.
Search & view: Use category to search, contact sellers.
Browse Ads
Browse categories, view Ads & photos, and contact Sellers instantly
Auto Locate
App locates your Address automatically.
Show map
See the map of seller location.
Calls and sms
No third party involvement you can call and sms directly to seller.
Godhan is a good platform for buying and list animals. Try once this App and let find out, it cool.

Project details


HTML5 , CSS , Bootstrap , JavaScript , jQuery ,Ajax, PHP / Laravel , Wordpress , UI / UX , Squarespace Commerce


Enterprise Solutions, Custom Application & Services Development, Based on Agile Methodology, Front end HTML5. CSS3 , JavaScript , jQuery , angularJS
backend: Laravel/MySQL, PHP, MYSQL