Ficres Loan

Ficres Loan

This app to developed to keep maintain the Car loan status of a consumer. Where a consumer register yourself and can keep maintain of own car loan details, status, installment, next due date, profile, and document etc.
We developed this application with latest technologies and special design effect like animated effect, slider on swap, Simplistic and responsive UI design, Receptive & seamless drop-down top and sidebar navigation, quick navigation, calculator ,Application developed with HTML5, CSS3, Angular for the front-end and ASP/SQLServer for back-end.

Project details


HTML5 , CSS , Bootstrap , JavaScript , jQuery ,Ajax, PHP / Laravel , Wordpress , UI / UX , Squarespace Commerce


Enterprise Solutions, Custom Application & Services Development, Based on Agile Methodology, Front end HTML5. CSS3 , JavaScript , jQuery , angularJS
backend: Laravel/MySQL, PHP, MYSQL