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General HTML5/CSS3


Single page designs can be an excellent technique for tackling smaller websites, even those that you might not think could ever be done without multiple pages. There are tons of great reasons for using a single page site, from ease of maintenance to reduced bandwidth needs.


Obviously, single page designs are not ideal for every project. But there are a host of reasons to use them if they’re a possible fit. They’re intuitive to use By default, all a user needs to know to navigate a single page site is how to scroll. You might include arrows or other navigational clues, but with rare exception, simply scrolling will bring your visitors from one section to the next.

You’ll never have to worry about your visitors getting stuck in multiple layers of navigation, endlessly searching for what they need. The use of a header or other navigational links is often helpful if there are multiple sections on the page, but even without them, the site is usable.

It can be faster and easier to maintain While this one is not a given, a well-coded single page site is probably going to be faster to code than a multi-page site. The design process can sometimes take less time, though that depends on how complex the single page is going to be.

Better SEO potential Quality inbound links are a big part of how well a website performs in search engines. While search engines aren’t necessarily the largest traffic source for a lot of sites, they’re still generally important. By only having one page, you only have one page being linked to. That can increase the importance of the site as far as search engines go.

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